Friday, November 22, 2013

Trash in her Blood

So the other day I mentioned that I had a surprise visitor. It was N's cousin's girlfriend. I have been stewing about her all week, and now I'm ready to vent. This is MY blog, so I'm allowed to be judgy, right?
So 'Cousin Kyle' and Nolan have always been really close and we were very close with his ex-fiancé. They broke up, which is fine, but within a few weeks he had moved in with this new girlfriend. Not a big deal when you're a grown up- do your thing. BUT, there's more that makes me judge.
1. Her hair is maroon. It looks stringy, long, and maroon.
2. She says 'yous', 'crowns' (instead of crayons) and other North Philly words. NOTHING against anyone from Northern Philadelphia, but the rest of the country does not speak like that.
3. She let a guy she just met move into her house with her and her 4 year old son without really knowing him.
4. Sunday morning she got ready for an hour and a half before coming downstairs. I made breakfast when I knew she was awake. Needless to say breakfast was cold when we finally ate.
5. She was joking about having to take pregnancy tests a lot. kid by accident- sure- but didn't you learn a lesson?'s not a joke when you're a grown up.
#3 is the one that I really can't handle. Now I understand that she is from a very broken family situation and doesn't really know what stability looks like, but I just can't be okay with this. She lives with her grandparents and her son, but she let Kyle move right in. When they dated for a few weeks he lived about 2 1/2 hours away from her so even when they saw each other it wasn't a normal dating situation- he slept over. I don't have experience introducing my child to my boyfriend, but I know that if I was in that situation I would not have someone around my child until I was very, very sure that was someone who was going to be around for a long time.
And what kind of people are these grandparents of hers? It's great that they let their granddaughter and her son move in with them. But who lets the granddaughter's new boyfriend move right in? I know Kyle well and he is a great guy, but they don't know that!

Now you're thinking- what about Kyle's responsibility? Yeh, tell me about it. Monday night I spent 20 minutes telling Nolan what an awful person Kyle is now. In order to get the job he has he needed to have an address in the town where they live- I get that, but there are cheap apartments wherever you are. I just have such a problem with moving someone in with a child.

Nolan assured me there's not a shot in hell they'll stay together, but honestly I'm afraid she's going to try to get knocked up. She's that kind of trashy.

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