Saturday, December 14, 2013


So let me start with, I've been up since 5:20 on my day to sleep in. Why? Well, who wouldn't want to catch 'Late Night Gifts' on QVC. No, but really....

My day yesterday was one big cluster. I was supposed to drop off the girls at the babysitter, go to a meeting at work, and then get things done. Lots of thing. Great plan, only it required me to actually put their bag in my car instead of leaving it in the garage. So I showed up to the babysitter (who is 1/2 hr away) with no diapers, no lunch, no milk for the baby. Needless to say I picked them up after my meeting and got nothing accomplished.

We were supposed to go to the mall last night and see Santa. In my brain this meant my husband would be home by 5:30, we'd be at the mall by 6, and we'd miss the big line because all the responsible parents would be feeding their children dinner. Well, said husband didn't quite get that memo from my brain, so by the time we got to the mall there was a really long line. He acted shocked like he expected us to be the only other people at the mall, 2 Fridays before Xmas. His statement was "No way. If we wait in this line in and Lil doesn't get on Santa's lap I'm going to kill her. In front of all of these people. That won't be good."

And so we left. By this point it was 7:00 and we hadn't eaten yet. So obviously he had the great idea of not eating right there in the food court, but going to a diner by our house. So, 7:30 we sat down to eat dinner. (with a 2 year old who had lunch at 11:30)

Dinner was actually pretty good. When it was time to go N went up to pay and ordered me a GIANT piece of chocolate cake to go.

After eating the cake he insinuated that maybe after he did that nice thing for me I would want to do something 'nice' for him. Um...did you just prepay for sex with chocolate cake?

Friday, December 6, 2013


The plural of elf is elves. NOT elf's.

Elf's is used when something belongs to a single elf: Look at that elf's hat. 

Elves is more than one elf: There are three elves running around outside. 

Who made this mistake? My trashy visitor. She captioned a photo "My two favorite elf's." Ugh. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I am THAT blogger

There is nothing that I hate more (okay, I'm totally exaggerating) than when I go to check one of my favorite blogs and it hasn't been updated in awhile. Welp, I'm guilty as charged. I apologize.

What you've missed:

*Visitors- My sister, her boyfriend, and his dog came on Tuesday night and stayed through Sunday.Usually my sister comes, says hi, and runs errands for days (because there are no stores in Washington, DC). This time she made a point to spent time with the kids. It was really nice. We also asked her to be baby C's Godmother (she is L's Godmother, as well). I was really sad to see them go back on Sunday.

*Thanksgiving- We had a really laid back day, and it was great. We went to my grandparents' for dinner and on the way home N and I discussed that the goal of a holiday is to forget we have children- meaning, there are other people to take care of our kids and we can just relax. My grandparents' house is as close as we will ever come to that. We calculated 3 sets of people to entertain the children before they get to us.

*Shopping- I was 'those' people and went shopping on Thanksgiving night. I didn't rush my family time and just went out after L went to bed. It was great. I was home by 11, in bed by 12, and I had all of Friday to hang out. My sister and I cheated the system at Kohl's and we skipped the 45 minute line and just checked out at Customer Service- apparently you can check out there and no one else knew! Score. I came home and ordered the rest of my shopping list on Amazon.

*Stress- N's job is not going well....and I think that's an understatement. So I'm preparing to go back to work and he's preparing to look for a job. This doesn't bother me, but he gets super stressed and doesn't handle it well. 

Okay...nothing really exciting, but now you're caught up. I promise I'll be better now.

PS. Is anyone watching "The Sound of Music" with Carrie Underwood? I want to be Carrie Underwood.