Wednesday, October 30, 2013

2 kids in a Pumpkin

So I'm sure you've seen cute pictures of babies in pumpkins on Pinterest, right? Well, when L was born I decided I, too, would put my baby in a pumpkin. It was awful. She hated it and did not smile and I did not get a cute baby in a pumpkin picture.

Fast forward to last night. I thought "I have a baby. I must put her in a pumpkin." Well, we had the same response from baby #2.

C is on the left. L is on the right.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekend in Review

It's pretty sad, but for my first 'Weekend in Review' I really have nothing much to share. After my kid peed all over herself in the mall I had a pretty quiet weekend.

The one thing I did work on was getting baby C to sleep in her own damn room, and not in my bed. I really wouldn't mind, but she's like a heat-seeking missal and doesn't lay next to me, rather has to be attached to me while sleeping. Also, she is getting big. Below is a picture that I took around 4am a few weeks ago. Now she's much bigger and I'm getting pushed off the side of the bed. You can't see in the picture, but there is a bassinet attached to my side of the bed that she is supposed to sleep in, however, I usually end up sleeping half in the bassinet and half in my bed. Don't worry, my husband takes a sleeping pill and sleeps through the night just fine.

She hasn't been going down easily, but 2/3 nights she's only woken up one time, so I'm considering this a success.
Other than working on sleep we just hung out. My dad and grandfather were over yesterday to help N build the site for our shed. My grandmother came to hang out. I made a pot roast.

Okay. After typing this I realize my life is not exciting like a circus, rather it's as exciting as bingo at a nursing home.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Little Karma

Our mall has a small indoor playground where L loves to play. It's usually pretty crowded and I don't feel overly clean while we're there, but sometimes she just needs to get some energy out.

A few weeks ago we were at the mall playground and there was a little boy with a stinky diaper. When I say stinky, I mean I could smell him even when he was nowhere near me. N (my husband) and I were very judgy. "Why doesn't his mother change him?"   "That's awful. I cannot believe she's letting him run around like that."   "Doesn't she smell him!"

Fast forward to last night. N needed to pick up a big saw from Sears, so we all went with him and ate a gourmet meal in the food court. Afterwards I took the girls to the playground while N went to pick up his saw (because who doesn't need a huge saw that is too big to fit through the basement door).

About 5 minutes into our playground adventure, L says "I peed." This isn't uncommon- while she refuses to potty train she likes to tell me after she's gone because she doesn't like being wet. But, this time, she pointed to her butt. Why? Because her diaper had turned itself into a thong and the pee had not stayed in the diaper. It was all over her.

Did I have a diaper with me? Of course not.
Did I have the car keys with me so I could get one? Of course not.
Was I going to trek both girls through the mall to look for N? Of course not.
Did I let her keep playing until N came back? Of course.
Did I immediately think of stinky kid? Yep.

Touché Stinky Kid, Touché.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How Did My Day Start?

When the committee reviews my application for "Mother of the Year 2013" I hope they only look at the cute pictures and light-hearted stories I send in. I really hope they don't ask my friends and family what really happens at my house.

How did my day start? A Golden Shower. If you don't know what that is- DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT google it.

This morning my husband peed on my 2 year old. Now, you'll need some more details as to not call CYS, but yes, that happened. Despite my half-assed potty training efforts, L is still not potty trained, though she is obsessed with being in the bathroom with whomever is using the potty. And she thinks toilet paper is there for her to rip off 5 pieces and pretend to blow her nose before throwing it in the toilet. So there my darling husband is, peeing, and here comes L's hand right through the stream of urine. Guess who got to clean her up?

This wouldn't be tooooo bad, but sadly, this isn't the first time L has gotten a sprinkle of pee pee from her father. When she was learning to walk she crawled between him and the toilet and stood up. Hubsters quickly stopped peeing, but drip-drip-drip- on her HEAD.

I like to let myself believe that these things happen to other people. I'm sure they do....right? Maybe just not to the people that I know. Or maybe they're just better at pretending they're good parents.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Well, hello! People have told me that in order to blog, I just need to get started and see what happens: So here goes nothing!

A little ramble about myself: I live in the suburbs of a big city. I love my neighborhood. I have 2 daughters, though I always thought I would have a houseful of sons. I met my husband the first week I was away at college- when I applied for housing I picked the only dorm that had guys and girls on the same floor- it worked! I've been married for 4 years. I have 1 sister who is awesome, but drives me nuts. I am SUPER close with my grandparents. I have really great friends. I am very sarcastic. I am a teacher- I taught 2nd grade for 4 years and when I go back to work I'll be in my 3rd year of middle school (aka hell).

My mother in law told me I should start a blog a few years ago. I looked at her like she had 3 heads because obviously if I was going to blog I'd be writing about her at some point, but I guess that never occurred to her. I have been staying home with my girls since I had baby C back in July. I have been 'blogging' in my head for months (aka talking to myself) and so I've decided it might be time to put my thoughts in print so I can feel less crazy.

A few of my friends have blogs and I'm now proud to be a follower and start one of my own. I can't promise much, but you get what you pay for.